Fear and People's Mind

Fear is a fundamental theme and concept in Lord of the Flies, however, it is not limited to just the novel. Fear is an emotion that lies within all humans in real life whether they're children or adults. One of the significant effects of fear in life is effects to society's mental health.

Fear is an emotion that is triggered by a perceived threat. It is actually a survival mechanism that helps us respond to danger in order to defend us. The effects of fear would include outcomes of anxiety as being afraid of something would make an individual anxious towards their surrounding as they're avoiding it at all cost. The outcome of anxiety stays within the person, but there are also outcomes that directly encounters other parts of society. Creating assumptions and speculations. To make claims on a certain thing, on whether something did or did not happen.

In the novel, this scenario could be found in the situation where the boys and most of the littluns are making up stories about the 'beastie' out of the feeling of fear towards the thought of the encounterance with an unknown being. The boys created assumptions saying and sworing that they saw a figure in the forest and terrifying noises in the middle of the night. It even reach to an extent where the boys start to create speculations that the 'beastie' may not take form in a physical manifestation of their thoughts, but rather a part of themselves.

An example could be seen in being fear of rejection. A fear of being afraid of being socially unaccepted by someone or a group of people. When someone is scared of being rejected, they make speculations on whether they will be accepted by certain groups of people in the communities. These speculations can actually hinder them to accomplish things as they are certain on their so called proof. It could be seen that the presence of fear could be one of the factors that affects the growth of someone just because they are afraid of losing. Losing a sense of acceptance. Losing themselves.


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