The Fall of a Civilization

The Lord of the Flies novel focuses on the story of  several dozen British schoolboys stranded on an isolated island. One student had decided to step up to lead the boys to survive and try to get rescued and becomes voted for the leader against his running partner Jack who he made the leader of the hunting group. Ralph never realized how difficult it is to control an entire population and survive and so he never knew of the fragility of civilization until it had been too late. Split relationships, loss of life and the eventual downfall of civilization is what had left Ralph with nothing left.

Ralph had feared that he would eventually lose his civilization due to his relationship with Jack fluctuating and his overall influence over the boys diminishing. The outcome of the boys would be a split up between rescue and hunting. Ralph was afraid he would slip his grip with his civilization as he was one of the several boys who still had a sane mind and wants to get rescued and was still serious about being saved rather than having fun, pondering around, having fun and killing.

As mentioned earlier, Ralph still wanted to be leader and he was afraid to lose that status knowing that a different leader could corrupt themselves and lead the boys into a state in which they would not recover from. Ralph still acted as if civilization still exists as he didn't want to lose that, he still enforced rules such as the conch rule, even though nobody had respected his orders. Nearing the end, one of Ralph's greatest fears had come into play, an all out war, a one man war in which he knew he couldn't win, the clash of savagery against civilization. The end result of such a war would lead to their temporary home being destroyed so the boys can finally rid the island from civilization and be full on savages. The eventual outcome would be the boys' rescue but it was here that Ralph realized his original fear come into place, how he would lose grip of his rule over the boys as he never realized the fragility of civilization.

Picture Source
Renegade. “Varg Vikernes: About the Fall of Our Civilization.” Renegade Tribune, 25 Sept. 2015,


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